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WCNI Selectors Guideline Times for National Track Championships


The WCNI Selectors Trevor Gudsell, Jeremy Cottam and Luke McCarthy will be looking to select athletes and combinations of athletes for the New Zealand Track Cycling Championships being held in Invercargill who are most capable of producing medal winning performances.


The majority of selection weighting for the Track Team will be based on results achieved at the 2012 West Coast North Island Track Championships.


Results for Track cycling Thursday 12th January 2012

Tuesday nights racing fell victim to the wet summer and racing was called off so the Thursday was used as reserve day. An email was sent to the club on Wednesday morning asking for the Thursday night option to be advertised on the clubs website but as most sane people are on holiday at this time of the year, the request was not able to be actioned. Fortunately a wise group of eleven remembered the reserve day option and arrived for racing at the normal 5.45pm. While the numbers may have been down the talent clearly wasn’t as a number of records were either set or broken on the mild calm and overcast night.


Upcoming Time Trials

A time trial is a good test of a cyclist’s ability.  It is you racing the clock.  No hiding in a bunch, no sharing the work to get to the finish.  It is an honest event where very often success is measured by personal bests rather than winning events.
A 40 km time trial is a kind of gold standard for time trialists.  The distance is a genuine challenge and riding close to or under an hour is a significant achievement for most riders.
Upcoming time trials within reasonable driving distance that I am aware over the summer months are listed below.  Most of the 40km time trials are run by the Wellington Veterans Cycling Club, but I note that BikeManawatu has snuck one in as well.  The events attract a small entry fee.  Several riders from the Manawatu ride the Wellington events each season.
The time trials programmed for this year are:


Track Cycling Results for Thursday 5th January 2012


With the championship part of the season about to begin the decision was made to resume the season a little early on the Thursday night rather than wait for the usual Tuesday night. While the 16 riders that rode was well down on the seasons average so far it was equal to the comparative years opening meeting last year. It was a mild night with a heavily overcast sky and a westerly wind that came in and out as the night went on, not strong enough to dominate the night but enough to be challenging to the riders not in the bunch.
