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New on the Website this week

New on the Website this week

calendar2This week I’ve implemented the club events calendar.  If things go to plan, this calendar will be the hub of BikeManwatu activities planning.  The Sunday rides for Nov have been entered as well as various other planned events. 

Also provided is an “Upcoming Events” box on the site’s homepage.  That should provide quick access to the next 5 events on the calendar.


New on the website this week

New on the website this week

altThe new BikeManawatu website has had a few improvements this week.

By now, all members (well at least those for whom we have an email address) should have received an electronic newsletter in your email.

In the coming weeks we will be creating a login for each of you.  Loging in to will allow you access to the members area and the ability to post to our club discussion forum…
