by Glenys Taylor | Mar 17, 2011 | Event Reports
Tonight was the third event for the club champs, the standing 400m time trial Race. Remember you need to be a member Bike Manawatu to be eligible for points towards the club champs. Look under the About us section of the website to find out how to become a member. There are 2 events remaining for A and B grade riders held on the 21st March; 2 Lap (800m) Scratch Race; and the 2000m Scratch Race. C grade riders have the 2 Lap Scratch race on the 21st March.
by Glenys Taylor | Mar 15, 2011 | Event Reports
Sunday 13 March saw six riders from the Manawatu head down to Masterton for the 40km national time trial championship. The event is raced in the same five year age grades used at national events.
It is an out and back course running 20km south from Masterton to a few kilometers past Gladstone and back. It is slightly downhill out and slightly uphill on the return journey. The best wind direction is a tail wind coming back up the false flat. On Sunday the riders were faced with a head wind, so it was a matter of getting to the turn as quickly as possible and trying to limit time losses coming back.
by Glenys Taylor | Mar 11, 2011 | Club Documents
Mike Daisley
Janneke van Wagtendonk
Glenys Taylor
Malcolm Rees ,
Steve Stannard
Paul van Velthooven
Mark Waterland, Stuart Doidge
van VELTHOOVEN /van WAGTENDONK That the apologies be accepted.
Correction to the minutes under general business
Glenys to investigate how to nominate someone for QSM.
VAN WAGTENDONK/ DAISLEY That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2011 be accepted as a true and accurate record. CARRIED
REES/ van VELTHOOVEN That all matters that require a decision by the board should be put forward as a motion and a decision voted on and recorded CARRIED
STANNARD/van WAGTENDONK That discussion on any matters related to Board governance unless initiated by the secretary are reserved for Board meetings In favour 4 Against 1
van WAGTENDONK/ DAISLEY That the 2011 fees remain as they are regardless of whether they are paid online or not In favour 4 Against 1
REES That the fees for 2012 be the same regardless of whether they are paid by hard copy or online LAPSED as no seconder
Statement of Financial Position/Balance Sheet and Statement of Financial Performance/Profit and Loss have been circulated late this afternoon.
Funds have been transferred from Feilding $7505.33 shown in Funds Introduced.
2 track bikes have been returned, one has been rerented for the rest of the season, one bike has had bond refunded. Current bank balance is $22013.97 Excess income over Expenditure for month is shown as $2460.29 Newsletter cost $239.20 Received track fees $75, Timetrial fees $322, and Criterium fees $183
Accounts to be approved for payment TRC Toyota WOF trailer $25.
van WAGTENDONK/ STANNARD That the finance report be adopted CARRIED
van WAGTENDONK / DAISLEY That $10,000 be put on term deposit for term as decided by Secretary. CARRIED
Another column needs to be added about where financial members have come from.
We need to think about when mountain biking need to be invited to join us.
In our remit we need to think about social riders and volunteers. We should write to Bike NZ to suggest what they should do with licencing for social riders
van WAGTENDONK/ STANNARD That associate fee be set at $35 and $25 for juniors as per constitution CARRIED
Report circulated
van WAGTENDONK / DAISLEY That Pub Charity be asked for a grant to cover the costs of traffic management for the 2 road events, for hireage and timing of the Manfield event and first aid for all 3 events that Bike Manawatu will organize this year. CARRIED
Possibility of sharing the manfield circuit.
van WAGTENDONK / DAISLEY That for all major events 1/2 of costs need to be covered by funding or sponsorship by a certain date as set by the event organizing group and reports to be sent to the Board around the costs and running of the events. All events are to prepare a budget that breaks even as a minimum. FFOC to be a profit making event for the club. CARRIED
Send letter to Ken Bewley to thank him for lobbying on our behalf. Also send letter to Ivan Aplin that we endorse the Novice Tour being part of the junior points series .
Events people to decide whether a race is held or not.
Verbal report from Paul van Velthooven. Group commenced. Expressions of interest sought. Limited response. Coaching forum to be set up. Bike NZ level 1 workshops will generate interest. Trying to preempt what people want has failed so when there is a need then it will develop. This group needs to set up a structure .
Group has met and grouped items logically. These have been matched with funding suppliers.
Strategy, priority, bundling. Report needs to be sent to Board
Marist and Sport Manawatu need to be included in what needs to be sent to whom.
Sponsorship. Need to list all sponsors and then approach them and say which package would they be interested in.
o Inland Revenue Dept – IRD number
o Inland Revenue Dept – Donee organization status
o Genesis Energy – Direct debit notification received
o WCNI – Receipt of our correspondence
o WCNI – Capping levy to $1000 until 2013
That a letter be sent to the newspaper about the good driving of Fonterra truck drivers and Janneke to find person who we can send the letter to.
van WAGTENDONK / DOIDGE That the inward correspondence be received and the outward correspondence be approved. CARRIED
Marist report Paul O’Brien has phoned to say that he and the chairperson are putting to the Board that they are happy with the proposal and that our letterhead shows “supported by Marist Sports” In return we will have full use of facilities. Board meeting is on 28th February. Confirmation after this date.
WCNI report rule changes need to be sent to everyone so that they can be discussed at next meeting. Need to be in hands of Secretary 28 days prior to AGM.
Events group needs to discuss event Traffic Management Plans for each Saturday race and Time trials. DAISLEY / van WAGTENDONK That we support Patricia Fraser Memorial drive petition and that a link be placed on our website to the site set up by Ross Castle.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 6.40pm
Next meeting 21 March at 5pm