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Wed Night Time Trial 18th November

It may as well have been winter and not the latter part of spring. The chilly and very windy conditions were not going to enable any new records over the 12 km course, though some fairly quick times were still recorded. James Denholm rode a notable 16:41 to earn two points for getting his fastest time this series, and the only other riders to get two points for bettering a previous effort were Dineth Rajapaksi and Katherine Stannard. Some others did indeed get two points, but because it was their first Wed Night TT for this series; Megan Gardner, Emma Crum, Nate Levin, Connie O’Brien, Andrew McKenzie, John Sheehan, and Robert Stannard. Robert rode the fastest time of the night, and indeed the series to date, with 15:31. Let’s hope for some warmer temperatures and still conditions for the next few weeks!

Results Here

Wed Night TT, 11th of November

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, at least it was dark for a late Spring evening, and a just little wet but not stormy…
Forty six riders lined up for the weekly 12 km time trial to take advantage of virtually windless conditions. It was nice to see some first timers have a go, and good to see some regulars post fast times. Oceania (track) scratch race champion Carne Groube was the fastest on the night with 16:02, followed by David Martin on 16:54, and Chris Sanson on 16:59. Impressive times were set by many including Finn O’Brien (29:10), Pieta Ransom (20:26), and Libby Arbuckle (19:04). Thanks to those who helped on the night, and especially Tim Lloyd who shouldered the lonely turnaround duties.

Full results here

Bike Manawatu Time Trial Champs – Results

Beautiful weather this Saturday got everyone blowing the cobwebs off their time trial shoes and coming down to Lockwood Loop for a blast! The wind, true to form, remained the main obstacle to record times – with a nasty headwind on the way out giving way to a roaring tailwind on the way home, with many juniors running out of either cogs or leg speed on the way back. Fastest time of the day over 15km was set by Stephen Snell in 22:40, while Alex West was fastest over 25km in a time of 33:51. A big thanks to all those who helped out, especially Steph Dench, Mike Groube, Graeme Ransom and Tim Lloyd.

Results Here

My Oceania Track Championships Experience

My Oceania Track Championships Experience

My Oceania week began last Tuesday being in camp with Cycling NZ as a lead in to the track championships and it was a great experience for both me and friend and team mate Libby Arbuckle.



We spent a few days practising our team pursuit and other racing skills as well as doing goal setting tasks and off bike trainings with our cycling NZ coaches, this was a great insight into what it takes to reach the upper levels of our sport.
We had to ride the ILT Track Carnival on the Tuesday night with three races 2 off them scratch races and 1 was an elimination, I managed to win both scatch races but absolutely butchered the elimination and was out early.
Thursday came and it was great to get racing and first event we had was Team Pursuit Qualifying although we had to compete against the NZ and Aussie Elite women it was still a thrill. That night we rode the final and bettered or time by 4 seconds so good that we showed improvement from the morning session and I had to pull double laps so was pretty knackered by the end.


Wednesday ITT – Week 1 2015

The Wed Night Time Trial series kicked off last Wed with 53 starters. So many, in fact, that some were finishing with still about a dozen riders to get going. Whilst this makes it rather complicated for the timing crew, it’s great to see so many riders come out to participate. With a warm day and relatively little wind, it’s not surprising that the times were fairly quick. Fastest for the evening was one of the Team Skoda riders, Joel Yates (16:42), putting David Martin in to second place by only one second (16:43), with James Denholm third (17:06). Notable others were Adam Martin (17:15), Rosie O’Brien (23:17), and Jamie Dennis (21:47).

If you did not give your number back WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE !

Results Here

Feilding Festival 2015

The day dawned cloudy, clear and cold with no immediate sign of rain and many people suddenly deciding that it was time to ride the festival. People started arriving at the football clubrooms at 7:15 and it was all on with approximately 80 late entries rolling up on the day. A very busy time for the ladies at the registration desks, and timing people assigning chips and numbers.

With 20 odd registered for the Sprockets NZ Jo Allen Memorial classic race the handicappers job was not too bad. The first two riders were away at 8.30 and with only two riders they had nowhere to hide from the weather conditions. The A grade riders group were last away at 8:58, they must have been feeling comfortable, because as they left as they were all chatting to each other. The eventual winner had a good lead coming down from Kimbolton but the chasing group made some inroads across the flats to be only a few hundred metres behind at the line. Josh Page was not only the first across the line but also had the fastest time of 2:07:23, congratulations.
