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Results for the Cheltenham Handicap held on Saturday 13th August 2011

The D grade riders started first heading up Kimbolton Rd from The Cheltenham Hotel until they reached Kiwitea where they turned left on to Perry Line. The C graders started 5 minutes after the D’s. By the time the D’s were on to McBeth Rd, the C graders had caught them. Fortunately for most of the D graders they were only completing the short distance so when they reached the end of Bryce Rd they turned right and headed back down Kimbolton Rd to Cheltenham.

The B grade headed out from Cheltenham 14 minutes after the D grade with the A grade starting a further 6 minutes behind them. As the C grade headed back from the turn point at Kimbolton, the B grade and A grade bunches were able to see how much of a lead they had on them. They were not able to catch them by the time the first rider crossed the finish line.

The first over the line was Ross Castle, followed by Oiroa Kaihau, Campbell Stewart, Jon Clarke Darcy Ross and Michaela Drummond.

The fastest times of the day went to the A grade bunch of Angus Findlay, Luuk van Wagtendonk, Steve Stannard and Matiu Kaihau.


Points for interclub races so far

Below is the link to the points for the interclub races held so far.


After 3 events Wanganui is in the lead over Manawatu by 65 points which means that we need a concerted effort by all members to turn up and race this coming Saturday if we want to win the Interclub Trophy.

If we had the same people turn up and race in Halcombe as those that raced at Ashhurst for the Saddle Rd event and we had the same race placings we would win by 34 points.

So as a team lets see if we can achieve this goal and get our first bit of silverware in the trophy cabinet.


Canteen Fundraiser.

Guess how many Km,s Colin Anderson will complete at the 24 hour LeMans
France Cycle race -20/21st August.
14 great prizes of Vouchers for Meals,Pedal Pushers,RightCut-

all prizes would suit male/female young/old.
Simply drop into Pedal Pushers OR later next week to Speights Ale House,
Gold coin per estimate. All funds raised to Manawatu Canteen

Coaching Working Group meets

If you were to undertake a SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis of Bike Manawatu, surely passion and a willingness to get involved would definitely be classified as strengths after 15 people turned up to the inaugural Coaching Working Group meeting held on 8 Aug.

Coordinated by Steve Stannard and Mike McRedmond, the attendees shared their aspirations and ideas regarding coaching within Bike Manawatu. “I’m heartened by what I heard this evening and in my assessment we have lots of enthusiastic people wanting to make a difference”, said Bike Manawatu Chairperson Paul van Velthooven. 
