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Track Mentors/Buddies – Can you help?


Bike Manawatu is expecting an influx of rider’s new to track cycling this season.

Key factors that will encourage our new member’s each week are:

  1. A friendly welcoming environment
  2. Support and encouragement; and
  3. Having fun

To help achieve that, we are looking for some “Mentors/Buddies”.

Can you help?

If you are a current rider, young (under 17 & 19) through to old, past or present and associated with the track in anyway, we would very much like to hear from you. .

What’s involved in being a Buddy Mentor?

· Attend club racing events between October and December:

· Making the new member feel welcome.

· Answer questions or refer to them to an appropriate person, such as coach, official, someone with mechanical knowledge etc.

· Observe races, giving positive and supportive feedback.

Being a Buddy/Mentor can be very rewarding and if you also compete the commitment is not intended to impact on your own racing.

For Bike Manawatu member’s who are starting track cycling for the first time this season, you may like to have a Mentor/Buddy.

If you have any interest or questions, please contact Megan email: or ph: 06 3585999.

Track Cycling Have-A-Go-Day


Are you looking for a new sporting challenge this Summer? Something different, something exhilarating, even a bit scary? Track cycling may be the sport you are looking for.

On Saturday, 22 September 2012 BikeManawatu is holding a “Have-A-Go- Day”. This will give potential rider’s the opportunity to try a track bike on the Johnson Park Velodrome in Feilding, ( The home track of Olympians Simon van Velthooven and Jesse Sergent ) commencing at 1pm.

Should you find that your ‘Have-A-Go-Day’ taste of Track cycling is not enough you are welcome to join us for a season of Track Cycling. The club has Track bikes available for hire. The club will provide training and ongoing support through their buddy programme to help you get started and get the maximum enjoyment out of your first season.

Bike Manawatu encourages and caters for riders of all ages and has a strong Master’s presence. The Johnston Park track has produced present day Champions and London Olympic medallist’s Simon van Velthooven and Jesse Sergent and strives to produce future Champions. To encourage future Olympians, Track stalwart Ian Gray has kindly donated two track bikes, one each for the most promising first season female and male Under 17 rider’s.

Ian is recognised by both Simon and Jesse as being instrumental in their Track Cycling careers as Ian re-established Track cycling at Johnston Park in 2004 after it had fallen into recess.

BikeManawatu extends an open and public invitation to all to enjoy this fast paced sport that displays skill, speed, endeavour and competitive racing. See why the Japanese spend millions a day on Kerin racing. So if you are a first timer wanting to see what all the fuss is about or a Trackie from way back who would like to relive glories of days gone past come along as a rider or spectator, and enjoy the ride.

Taupo to Napier

Taupo to Napier is one of our most challenging races.  It is not a ‘fun ride’ and is suited to A & B Grade riders.

2012 Taupo-Napier will take place on 22 September.  

*PRIZE MONEY*  KOM, Sprint, Overall

3 Grades

  • Elite
  • Veteran
  • Women

Entry is limited, so enter below now to avoid disappointment.

Any enquiries should be directed to Owen Cleverton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


As in past years, we are fortunate in having the support and help of generous sponsors and many volunteers. As experienced road cyclists, all the competitors will be only too aware of the need to cause as little delay and inconvenience to other road users as possible. This race is held for most part on a State Highway and it is imperative that we all obey the road rules and be courteous road users. The future of this event depends upon all of our performances in these matters. The NZ Police will be on hand to monitor the race, but are not there to give us special privileges.
