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We are Cycling in the Manawatu

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quam vehicula elementum

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Road Cycle Racing

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Recreational Bunch Riding

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Track Cycling

Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit

BikeManawatu Calendar

Up & Coming Events for week ending 14th October 2022

Up & Coming Events for week ending 14th October 2022 Please note Bike Manawatu requires all riders wishing to attend any of our road races or attend our track season to pre register accordingly – No late entries on the day will be accepted Novice Tour Volunteers...

Junior World Track Champs 2022 – Tel Aviv, Israel

By Georgia Simpson. I would first like to thank everyone for the amazing support they gave me on my journey to the Track Cycling World Champs this year. This was an experience of a lifetime and will be cherished for the rest of my life. Now starting to fully recover...