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Minutes of Events Working group Meeting held at Feilding Clubrooms on Monday 6th March 2011 at 7.30pm


Present: Mark Waterland, Glenys Taylor, Mike Keenan, Tim Whitehouse, Ian Gray, Chris Worboys, Matthijs van Wagtendonk, Greg Bryan

Minutes from last meeting December 2010 had been circulated.

Matters arising from the minutes

Combined event – We had good weather however the finishing times weren’t great as some recreational riders arrived at Ashhurst just after 10am and although they stopped and had a coffee did not stop to watch end of races as race finish was too far away from where the social gathering was being held. We will hold another one perhaps look at June after a break.

Criterium – Although entries were slow coming in and in fact some people entered on the day we did have good numbers across all grades. 16 under 17 riders 9 B grade riders and 10 A grade riders. Profit after prizemoney $110. The Womans tour is planning on coming back to Palm Nth next year and we should look at holding a criterium in conjunction with it again as it costs us nothing for SMTP or St Johns. There is also the possibility that the mens tour will come to Palm Nth. The commissaries and commentator that Jorge had were very accommodating.

Time trial champs – was scheduled for 27 March but this date now clashes so will hold at Rongotea on 3rd April. Under 13 -8 kms, Under 15 and under 17 – 16 kms, under 19, Womans and Masters 25kms, Seniors and under 23 – 40kms. These distances have been set on this course in the past. 8.30 Registration. 9 am first rider away. Entries close on Thursday at 5pm. $5 members Medals if only 2 entries/age group then only 1 medal awarded. If 3 entries ,then 2 medals, 4 or more entries 3 medals awarded. Aaron Williamson has done the traffic management plans for this course in the past. Will need to get signs from MEET. Glenys will organize a coffee cart, juice and arrange some food to be in the band rotunda.??? Masters have previously run a handicap system. Mike to send to Glenys.

Track Road bikes – will continue until 28th March. No problems, having good numbers attend. 22 tonight

Track Track bikes – will finish on 22nd March. Final night will include mens/vets team pursuit. Good results from those that went to Invercargill.

Track champs for masters had been scheduled for end of Feb. Will now be held on 27 March. Start time 9am 2 events 200m flying TT and 2000m pursuit. Register on day $5 entry fee which will cover BBQ lunch. Mike Keenan will organize BBQ.

Track end of season prizegiving to be held on 12th April. Glenys to book rugby club rooms and organize drinks. Everyone to bring a plate. Minutes of last track prizegiving need to be sent to Ian so he can contact people who have cups. Paul van Velthooven to be MC and possibly ask Simon to speak if he is available. Also Masters age group prizegiving 7.30pm start.

No progress has been made on Traffic Management plans for time trials and Saturday races as far as we are aware. Need to do it properly or don’t do it at all. Aaron Williamson has STMS. Need to access corner plans and we should encourage members to do a course if it is offered. Could look at limiting number of courses that we race on. Perception is that it is safer if signs are on roads. At least we would be covered if anything was to happen.

Question was asked at Board level and the Board decided that this is a question that should be answered by this group. If event has a register by date at what point is there not enough entries to hold the race or grade? We need to educate members that they are putting the organization of events in jeopardy if they do not enter by registration close. Will be a case in point at the club time trials as start times will be allocated to each rider so if they have not entered by Thursday night they will not be starting on the day.

Numbers for pinning to riders were discussed. The sets at the track and in the trailer are both getting no’s missing and ripping in corners. Will investigate further getting a set of numbers that members when they register they get at the beginning of the year and keep for the whole year.

Question from Will Pearson as to whether the track record that he set at Masters Games could be recorded as a Bike Manawatu record. Masters games are not run under Bike NZ rules and 3 stopwatches were not used, also the age categories are different from those of Bike NZ UCI so the answer is NO.

Board should set a policy on how many rides a person can do before they are asked to join the club. For recreational rides on Sunday need to make new people welcome but they should be told that they can only ride with the short group.

If route is set for Sunday ride leaders need to make sure that you stick to course and not detour to suit needs of 1 or 2 people. A couple of weeks ago just after Master games a short ride ended up doing 75km. Detoured 3 times from original set course and I wasn’t the only one who found it frustrating. Split at Kawakawa Rd was most annoying as some went one way and others straight ahead to Awahuri. Then was informed that Kawakawa group only going to Feilding turned around and chased down Awahuri group to find out that they were going all the way down to Rongotea Rd before heading back to Palmy. This is for the race coordinator to ensure that the riders know where they are going and that a leader is appointed for each group.

A large number of supposedly new riders turned up at a recreational ride a few weeks ago. This email received from Malcolm Rees At the Sunday ride on 20 February a rather unusual thing occurred and that was that there were at least 1/3 of the riders present, of the 60 there, wanting to go in our third group. These rides are never quite the same but it is very unusual to get so many in the third group. I took one of the groups with Richard Sheehan’s assistance and Steve Loversuch was there and he took the other one thank goodness, otherwise we would have been stuck with no minder of some of these riders. In my group I had only three new riders but what I am really wondering what is the status of the 30 or so new BMI members. Are they recreational riders, racers or what? MMCC has not had a formal way of inducting riders onto the club mainly because the numbers have been small enough for them to just tag along but perhaps BMI should with so many new people? How do the racers handle the prospect of a brand new rider turning up expecting to be able to race?

Should look at getting business size cards printed that has details on club website, how to join, contact details. These could be handed out on Sunday or any event where a new rider turns up.

An announcement needs to be made each Sunday of important items. This could be the responsibility of club captains. At present it is done by ride coordinator on Sunday mornings.

New members should be welcomed on the website. And be given a ride safe booklet if they have not belonged to any club in the past.

Championship dates should be set at the beginning of the year taking in to account all national events.

It is desirable to have a break in racing during winter. Suggested that after National road champs in Wanganui we have a break for 3 weeks. Sunday rides will still be held. Start back with a combined event on or near the shortest day. This could be in the form of a 2 up time trial.

Criteriums bring riders skills up. Need to think about a suitable circuit and possibly running a criterium and TT series. ????

Handicap races to be scheduled possibly for September or October. Ian will offer prizemoney. Need to run short races for school riders no longer than 8 or 9km. Also need to consider a womans grade.

Date for next meeting : Monday May 2????? 7.30pm

Events being organised

We have been busy organising a number of club events so please make sure you put these in your list of things you must do.

Masters Age group track champs is on Sunday 27th March

Club Time trail champs will be held on 3rd April

Track end of season prizegiving will be held on Tuesday 12th April.

For more details of each of these events please look at the club calendar.

Road Bikes 7th March 2011

Road Bikes 7th March 2011


clip_image002Tonight was the second event for the club champs, the 1 Lap (400m) Scratch Race. Remember you need to have joined and paid your membership with Bike Manawatu to be eligible for points towards the club champs. There are 3 events remaining for A and B grade riders held over the next 2 weeks:

200m Scratch Race

2 Lap (800m) Scratch Race

2000m Scratch Race

There are 2 events for the C grade:

200m Scratch Race

2 Lap (800m) Scratch Race


Nice Day for 40km at Speed

Sunday 20 February and there we were at Kahutara School to have another crack at a 40km time trial. Last time it was appallingly windy with very little chance of anyone going under the hour. Sunday was positively benign by comparison, with just a light easterly wind that made the last leg hard for already tired legs.


Road Bikes 28th February 2011

Road Bikes 28th February 2011

Tonight was the first event for the club champs, the flying 200m. There are 5 events for A and B grade riders held over the next few weeks:

Flying 200m

200m Scratch Race

1 Lap (400m) Scratch Race

2 Lap (800m) Scratch Race

2000m Scratch Race

There are 4 events for the C grade (same events minus the 2000m Race).

We had fine weather with a light westerly breeze which led to some fast times and close racing. We also welcomed two new riders, Libby Arbuckle and Emily Shearman. The rider of the night was Emily Shearman who won three B grade races and raced with the A grade riders for the final race finishing 5th out of 6.

