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We are Cycling in the Manawatu

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quam vehicula elementum

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Road Cycle Racing

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Recreational Bunch Riding

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Track Cycling

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BikeManawatu Calendar

John Lithgow

John was my friend, coffee drinking companion, walking companion, occasional cycling companion, but most of all he was just a good person. We met through cycling at the Manawatu Masters and then Bike Manawatu Sunday rides. We lived close by each other so we would...

John Lithgow – RIP

It is very hard to write a Dear John letter, especially for someone you have known for so long and have nothing but admiration for. John was certainly a family man, myself and I am sure all club members would like to go out to Liz, Daniel, Kate, and Andrew with our...

RIP John Lithgow

John Lithgow 21.10.1947 6.6.2023 Such a tragic end to his life & a shock to everyone involved in the Palmy Cycling clubs/groups. No matter how/why this accident occurred it is a grim reminder that we all (road users, cycle, car, truck whatever must somehow :Share...

Getting back racing

Before anything else, the Bike Manawatu community acknowledge the passing of John Lithgow earlier this week. Colin Anderson, Garry Buys and Chris James were kind enough to jot down a few words about John with his family’s blessing which Vaughan has published. He will...


Last weekend Bike Manawatu was well represented at the Age Group Road Nationals with 7 riders making the journey to Timaru. 3 of those riders stood on the podium during the weekend with Colin Anderson, Glenn Kirk and Filip Martin taking 3rd, 3rd and 2nd respectively...