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We are Cycling in the Manawatu

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quam vehicula elementum

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Road Cycle Racing

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Recreational Bunch Riding

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Track Cycling

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BikeManawatu Calendar

Recreational Riders – Safety

Recreational Riders - Safety While it’s okay to challenge yourself, our recreational rides are social and are designed to keep our bunches together and not dropping riders, all while doing so safely and having fun before a nice social stop at the local coffee shop....

Up & Coming Events for week ending 1st July 2022

Up & Coming Events for week ending 1st July 2022 Please note Bike Manawatu requires all riders wishing to attend any of our road races or attend our track season to pre register accordingly – No late entries on the day will be accepted 2022 Memberships &...

Changes to the Sunday Ride Route Planning

As you probably know, BikeManawatu organises a bunch ride every Sunday. Recently the Sunday ride organisers agreed to trial a new way to choose the routes. Up till now, Mike Keenan and Ken Young maintained a list of paired rides, using routes from the list of rides on...

Sunday Rides Meeting Wednesday 15th June 2022

Recently the Sunday recreational ride organisers and some of the board got together to discuss issues and improvements to the Sunday rides. Minutes below Commenced: 5:33 pm Present: Michael Craine, Keryn Paekau, Tim Lloyd, Michelle Turner, Andrew Ward, Mike Keenan,...