by Bike Manawatu | Sep 19, 2022 | School Cycling Course Map & Info
MSC Bone Collector
Manawatu Schools Cycling Event
Bone Collector
Registration 8.15am – Please meet at the Triangle outside the Ashhurst Library
Race briefing 8.40am – all riders must attend
Start Time / First Grade off at 9:00am
How it works:
Teams will be made up with 3 riders – 1 x Senior, 1 x Intermediate, 1 x Junior rider. (Generally this is Year11/12/13, Year 9/10and Year 7/8.)
You may be put up or down a grade to make team numbers or capabilities even.
Senior riders start and ride the first lap and then collects an Intermediate rider. The two of them then collect their junior rider for the last lap.
This is a great opportunity for young and older riders to mix, meet and have some fun together.
Format for those that don’t know. Teams comprising a senior, intermediate & a junior rider will be randomly selected on Sunday morning.
Senior rider starts and rides a lap and picks up the intermediate rider and they complete 2nd lap together and pick up their junior rider completing lap 3 as a team. First team home gets bragging rights.
There is a short section of gravel but totally ridable – don’t bring your good race wheels and gear restrictions are not in play for this ride.
No numbers required but REAR lights are!!!!
First Team off 9:00AM
- All parking is to be well off the road, – please respect the Ashhurst residence and their nature strips I.e please don’t park on the soggy verge, or across driveways
- There is a public toilet located at 11 Guildford Street, Ashhurst 4810 or at the Ashhurst Domain
- Please take care at the cross roads while crossing to registration
- Registration will be located near the Ashhurst Library
- Ensure you give yourself plenty of time to register, pin your number, grab your transponder* and go to the start area awaiting the race managers briefing. (Please note Time Trials will more than likely be manual timed, therefore transponders will not be required)
- *It is your responsibility to ensure your transponder is on correctly if it is not it may not read on our system, therefore you may not receive a finish time.
- Numbers are to be placed on the left hand side, rear quarter of your race top.
- If you have been issued a MSC race number please remember to bring this to all events.
- Please remember to continue to practise social distancing IF covid levels require us to do so
- Let early riders register ahead of later starters if covid levels require us to do so
- The course is approx 13.6km loop
- Do not cross the centre line unless safe to do so.
- We are on narrow quite roads when often there is no white line. Stay left
- Riders should not exceed 2 abreast
- Beware of tankers and agricultural machinery
- Be courteous to other road users
- We RECOMMEND the use of a rear light
- Roads are open and all normal road rules apply
- Marshals are provided for direction only
- Riders must give way at all junctions as required.
Course Notes Below
0.00 Starting and finishing on Bamford Street in the Triangle by the Ashhurst Library
0.03 Turn left onto Cambridge Ave
1.08 Cambridge Ave turns into Pohangina Road
3.06km Turn left onto Ulysses Road
4.77 One lane bridge located on Ulysses Road
5.26 Ulysses Road turns into Gravel
6.54km Gravel Ends – Turn left onto Watershed Road
8.44km Turn left onto Colyton Road
12.56km Colyton Road turns into Oxford Street
13.56km Turn left onto Bamford Street
13.6km On Bamford Street – Close loop

by Bike Manawatu | Jun 9, 2018 | School Cycling
Click HERE to find learn about Manawatu Schools Cycling
by Glenys Taylor | Feb 22, 2013 | School Cycling
Dear Parents/Guardian 20 February 2013
Since 2009, several Manawatu Schools have combined to put on a Schools Cycling Camp. We have been to Apiti School and Rathkeale College previously. In 2013 we want to combine the Camp with the Bush Tour in Pahiatua. The purpose of the camp is to challenge the boys and girls physically, to team build, to do some cycling skills work, to set goals for 2013 and to have some fun.
The cost of the camp is $52.50. This covers: Accommodation $25.00, food including Saturday dinner & Sunday breakfast $12.50, $5 to cover staff costs and $10 for Petrol/gift vouchers for helpers. (This does not cover the cost of the Bush Tour.) This must be paid to the school finance office by Friday, 1 March.
The Camp is at the Masters Hall, Pahiatua ( ) which is on the left as you head out of Pahiatua towards Eketahuna. The camp is on Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 March.
by Matthijs van Wagtendonk | Jun 2, 2011 | School Cycling
Good weather, great turn out 64 riders and a nice little circuit were the ingredients for good racing. A grade could not get a single moment of rest with Mike McRedmond and Luke McCarthy riding a long them on their motor bike firing them up. At the end a two men break away Jaycob Humphreys and Matiu Kaihau battled it out for the line honours with Jaycob being the fastest on the day.Thanks to the helpers on the day very much appreciated. B grade had a good solid race. The bunch stayed together the whole race. This gave a peloton sprint finish. To keep it as fair and save as possible it is important to keep a straight line and not to look around when engaged in the sprint. Not doing so leads to disqualification. C grade a decent bunch of younger riders. The 4 D graders were scaled up and started with the C grade. After 3 laps Jamie Leader proofed to be the fastest at the line.
Thanks to the helpers on the day very much appreciated.
For full results: