Vogel street, Roberts Line , Newbury, Campbells Road, Makino Rd to Pryces line, Mt Stewart Halcombe Rd, Mt Biggs School, Sandon Rd Back though Fielding and return via Roberts line
Napier Rd, Stoney Crk Rd, Bunnythorpe, right up Dixon’s Ln, right up Reid’s Ln East, Hiwinui, left to Watershed, right down to Ashhurst, cross the Manawatu River bridge, then right to Aokautere the up the Pahiatua Track and home.
Stoney Creek Road, Campbells Road, Feilding, Sandon Road to Mt Biggs, Ngaio Road and Mingaroa Road to Kakariki, SH 1 to Hunterville. From Hunterville proceed via Vinegar Hill to Rewa, Waituna West, turn right down Williamson Road, turn left to Dunolly Road to Short Road, to Makino Road, Feilding, Reids Line, Dixons Line, Bunnythorpe, Tutaki Road to finish in Palmerston North.