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Saddle Up Riders

Saddle Up Riders

Thank goodness that the “official” winter period is coming to a close and spring is just around the corner.
It’s been incredibly frustrating to the BM events group to have to cancel 2 races in the Linton area over the last 2 months due to heavy rain.
They are all tough calls to make, but in both cases were the correct call with heavy rain falling at the very same time that the races were due to be on.
Looking forward to Spring and with that we farewell winter with a race this Saturday at the Akers Road loop. All details are on the website and facebook here.

For riders that haven’t competed in the last 12 months, Rob Ryan and Palmfeild Motors will pay your entry fee.
These events do require a few volunteers to ensure rider safety and that we adhere to our Traffic management conditions so if you bring along Volunteer then you ride for free as well.(numbers limited)
Akers road is a fantastic course that encourages group riding and rotation, essential skills to any events that are coming up in what is a very busy Spring and Summer season of cycling.
We’ve pushed out the start time to sign on at 3.00pm but the process is so much easier when riders pre-register so please help us out with this.

Two weeks after that we run the first round of our clubs championship races. It’s a new and exciting course for the long running Woolworths Cup on September 14th
Traffic management plans are at the council for acceptance. This is a 43 km Handicap race Feilding to Halcombe to Cinders hill to Feilding.
This is an exciting and challenging course to ride solo let alone as groups that will inevitably form…no hiding here.
More details next week on the Woolworths cup.
Busy and exciting times ahead, Track racing starting soon with Wonder Women on Wheels on Saturday 7th which is an opportunity for Girls and women to try their hand at Track Cycling.
The next day Sunday the 8th there is the Endurance ride day leaving Memorial park at 7.00am. This is an open invitation to anyone wanting to push the distance out a little more than usual.
A solid warm up for Woolworths cup the next weekend and lead up to Taupo.

Ride safe, ride positive
