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Sponsorship and other matters

The matter of sponsorship comes up at various times during the course of the year, particularly when our major events are being prepared for. Sponsorship, and the coordination of same is therefore vital to Bike Manawatu, not only for running successful events, but also for our Secretary’s wage and the general services that the Club offers the wider membership. The more sponsorship support we can get, the better allowing the club will be able to meet it’s vision to “ grow cycling in the Manawatu.


The Board is mindful that sponsorship needs to be closely coordinated and prioritized through our Marketing Working Group. A model is being worked on. Members are however strongly encouraged to promote potential sponsors to our Secretary or Board members.

One of the current main sponsors of Bike Manawatu is the Marist Sports Club. The Board has recognised the importance and value in maintaining a close relationship with Marist via a sponsorship arrangement.In recognition of their support on our website and various club correspondence, Bike Manawatu has retained access to the club rooms, but more importantly , Marist provides a direct conduit to a large pool of potential charities-based funding for the operation of our Club. Our members can also join Marist Sports Club as “Honorary” members.The arrangement is a potential “ win/win”.

The website and other media will have room for other sponsors to be displayed. Again, I encourage members to source potential sponsors and to openly support those sponsors who support our club.

The new Board has met for the first time since the AGM and a heavy programme has been outlined over the medium term to keep the vision going. On a strong note, we are now unofficially the 3rd largest club under BikeNZ’s jurisdiction.We are also in contact with BikeNZ on how we can grow our recreational riders and how we can continue to offer services to this group. On that note , the Board has agreed to widen the “Events” Working Group to now include a designated subgroup that specifically coordinates, handles and promotes the important ‘Sunday Rides ‘ and events specifically for this group. Look out for new events and initiatives on this front.

SPARC are in town on Monday to tell us why the bid we put together to host the NZ Cycling Centre of Excellence here at Massey was unsuccessful. I look forward to them explaining which “boxes” we did not or could not “tick”. Whatever that outcome, the bid group has agreed to remain on standby in the event the Waikato bid tips over.The fat lady has not sung yet!

Finally, so that we all know who is representing you, the Board members have agreed to do a short bio of themselves (with a photo) , to be put on the web-site ,so that we all know who they are, what their backgrounds are, where they have come from, why they have put their name forward to this club  and when did they get involved in this sport. Some background on their business, community, family details etc. may also  be added.

See you all  at the quiz night on June 11th.

Paul van Velthooven