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Play, Active Recreation and Sport at Alert Level 2


At Alert Level 2, you can do your usual sport and recreation activities if you can do them safely.

But if you are sick, stay home.

There is also now a legal requirement to keep a record of those who attend certain facilities such as indoor public facilities through the COVID Tracer App or an alternative means. It is also recommended that QR code scanning and record keeping is undertaken in other places where people gather such as non-ticketed outdoor events involving more than 30 people.

Gatherings must be limited to a maximum of 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors.

Stay 2 metres away from people you don’t know and that wouldn’t be able to be easily traced.

What does this mean for Sunday Rides

The BikeManawatu Board is working through how to comply with the record keeping recommendations for Sunday rides where non-members are likely to join in.
So there will be no organised Sunday rides this weekend and we expect them resume on Sunday the 19th Sept.