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Minimum overtaking gap proposed for NZ law

The Associate Minister of Transport is proposing a collection of rule changes known as the Accessible Streets Regulatory Package.  Read full details here

Proposal 7:  Mandate a minimum overtaking gap for motor vehicles overtaking cycles, transport devices, horses, pedestrians, and people using mobility devices on the road

Our proposed change will ensure drivers of motor vehicles pass at a safe distance when overtaking cyclists, horses, pedestrians and people using, transport devices and mobility devices on the road.

The minimum overtaking gap will be:

  • 1 metre when the posted speed limit is 60km/h or less
  • 1.5 metres when the posted speed limit is over 60km/h.

A mandatory minimum overtaking gap will:

  • set a clear expectation about what a safe minimum passing distance is
  • legitimise what’s currently a guideline
  • raise awareness of this practice.

The proposed change is expected to decrease the number of incidents involving overtaking vehicles and vulnerable road users.