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Manfeild Crit–Volunteers Required

Manfeild Crit–Volunteers Required

With Manfeild crit coming up through November we are looking for;

First Aiders

Image result for first aid clip artRegistered nurse or current 1st aid cert required
We are unable to use the track unless we have qualified 1st aid cover on the night. If you can put your name down for 1 night that would be great.
Please send through a copy of your first aid certificate to so we can send this through to Manfeild to cover our Health & Safety event plan.

Finish judges

We are looking for people to help with prime and finish line judging at the Manfeild crit. If we can have a few people from each grade put up their hand it will mean that everyone will get to race. If you are racing you’ll be there  anyway so this is an easy opportunity to chip in. We wont drop you in the deep end. You’ll be buddied up with someone with finish line experience.

If you can help out, please do get in contact with us.
Thank you
Cycling Manfeild 6Hr 8May2016 #109