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Glen Oroua Grade Road Race

BikeManawatuVertical_thumb1 Glen Oroua Graded Road Race

Registration 8.15am – Please meet near the Bike Manawatu Timing trailer, on Milner Rd in the layby opposite the hall.
(around the corner from the school)

Race briefing 8.45am – all riders must attend
Start Time / First Grade off at 9am

***Please Pre Register, Its much easier to delete or DNS you from our start list if something comes up and you can’t make it than to add you in while everyone is trying to register****
Entry Fee:
$5 for members, $10 non members. All School Cyclists will have their entry fee covered as part of their school cycling fee.
All payments must be made online, please no payments on the day Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name as reference

2nd June 2024 event

Click here to register


The Course is a 10.5 km circuit in an anti clockwise direction
A Grade 4 laps – 42 km
B Grade 3 laps – 31.5 km
C Grade 2 laps – 21 km
D Grade 2 laps– 21 km
E Grade 2 laps– 21 km (non competitive riders and E-bikes)
(All Course notes are below)
*Distances are subject to be changed at the race directors discretion


  • All parking is to be well off the road, please respect the local residence and their nature strips I.e please don’t park on the soggy verge
  • No Bathrooms available on this course, please ensure you are prepared. This may change



  • Please take care at the cross roads while crossing to registration
  • Registration will be near the Bike Manawatu Timing Trailer on Milner road opposite the hall (around the corner from Glen Oroua school)
  • Payment should be made online prior to the event $5 members, $10 non members.
  • Schools will be invoiced for school cycling members.
  • Ensure you give yourself plenty of time to register, pin your number, grab your transponder* and go to the start area awaiting the race managers briefing.
  • *It is your responsibility to ensure your transponder is on correctly if it is not it may not read on our system, therefore you may not receive a finish time. Please make sure it is not tucked up under your bike seat.
  • If Numbers are used, these are to be placed on the left hand side, rear quarter of your race top.
  • If you have been issued a Bike Manawatu race number please remember to bring this to all events.


  • The course is 10.5km flat loop course
  • There will be a neutral start on Milner road, crossing over to Main Drain Road.
  • The finish line is back near the school (Near the Bike Manawatu Timing Trailer)
  • Do not cross the centre line unless safe to do so.
  • We are on quite narrow roads when often there is no white line. Stay left
  • Riders should not exceed 2 abreast
  • Beware of tankers and agricultural machinery
  • Be courteous to other road users
  • Front and Rear lights are STRONGLY ADVISED with the fading light this time of year and for those riding home.
  • Roads are open and all normal road rules apply
  • Marshals are provided for direction only
  • Riders must give way at all junctions as required.
  • It is your responsibility to be at the start line on time.

Course Notes Below

Glen Oroua

Glen Oroua School
Glen Oroua School

The race starts opposite Glen Oroua school and goes in an anti clockwise direction.

0.00 on Sansons Road
0.15km Turn left onto Main Drain Road
1.98km Turn Left onto Saunders Road
6.09km Turn Left onto Kaimatarau Road
8.49km Turn Left onto Sansons Road
10.5km Completes the circuit
***10.52 Shows the finish line after laps completed ***

Number of Laps depend on grades *See Grades /Laps above– Finish Line is approx by the school (Near the Bike Manawatu Timing Trailer).

Thank you to all of our Bike Manawatu Sponsors, Grant Funders and Volunteers – We appreciate you all
Together Everyone Achieves More