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2014 End of Year BBQ and Prizegiving held on Monday night

On Monday night nearly 100 people descended on Marist Clubrooms for the final major gathering of the year. It was also an opportunity to say thanks to Paul van Velthooven who had served as chairperson of the Board since Bike Manawatu was formed.

The BBQ had been cooked by a handful of the younger men of the club and started off the evening before the formal proceedings started.

Steve Stannard welcomed everybody and thanked sponsors, family members and riders who had supported the club in many ways over the year.

Cups and trophies were awarded to a very diverse group of riders, not all young or old, showing the strength of the club. A number of people were adked to help present the cups including Paul van Velthooven, Board members Iona McCarthy and Marcel Hollenstein and life member Mike Keenan as well as club personality and Enduro cyclist Colin Anderson.

Hill Climb Champs

This year the champs were held up Ngahere Park the same course that was used a couple of years ago on  Saturday 13th December .

Men                                      Matt Watts                                         12:11                                     Hill climb champ trophy

Women                               Libby Arbuckle                                  14:43                                     Womens triers cup

U17                                        Madi Hartley- Brown                      12:21                                     U17 hill climb trophy


Club Time Trial Champs were held at Rongotea earlier in the year . Cups will be presented tonight      

U23/Senior/Open(25Km)             Matt Seeley                       35.17     Wilson and Beach cup-open individual TT

Vet Men (25 Km)                             Steve Stannard                 35.25     Pirie Family Cup – 1st Vet Men

U19 Men (25 Km)                             Alex West                           34.40     Medal

U19/U23 Women 20km                no participants

U17 Boys (15 Km)                             Robert Stannard               23.51     Bloomfield challenge Cup (U17 TT)

U17 Girls (15 Km)                             Michaela Drummond     27.33     Hollows Family Trophy

U15 Girls (15 Km)                             Kelly Levin                           31.45     Watts cup (1st U15 rider)

U15 Boys (15Km)                              Fergus Washington Smith            32.36 Medal      

Vet Women (20 Km)                      Megan Blatchford            39.11     Pirie Family Cup –  1st Vet Women


Club Road Race Champs                            This year it was raced again on the Hiwinui – Colyton loop for the masters riders and the juniors including the senior and open men had a separate race doing the Valley Rd circuit. Cups are to be presented tonight.               

(4 laps)

U19 men                                              Joel Yates                                                                          Ian Little Wheel (1st U19 rider)   

U23/Senior                                         Paddy Daly                                                                          Toon challenge shield

U17 Boys                                             Stewart Campbell                                                            Broadway cup (1st U17 rider)

U15 Boys (2 laps)                             Fergus Washington-Smith                                            Bate cup (1st U15 rider)

Master Women 1(3 laps)             Gabrielle Bahler                                1:41:42                  Medal                  

                                2(2 laps)               Vicki Carne                                          1:10:33                  David Black Memorial Vet Wome

                                3(2 laps)               Katherine Stannard                         1:24:37                  Medal

U19 Women                                      Elizabeth Stannard                          2:14:33                  Medal

U17 Girls (2 laps)                             Michaela Drummond                     2:14:33                  Morris Family Novice Road

U15 Girls (2 laps)                             Samara Fenn                                      1:14:16                  David Black Memorial B Novice

Thank you to the helpers and to everyone who has marshalled or been a timekeeper or recorded results at a club event. Without your help the events wouldn’t happen.


This year it was decided to hold the sealed handicap on a different course as the Pahiatua course meant that a lot of riders were heading out on to a major road all together so for safety reasons it is better to have small bunches on this road at a time.

Woolworths Cup                              Sealed handicap at Halcombe                                     Chris Denholm

Essex Cup                                            Ashhurst – Pohangina – Totara Res over metal     Alex West

Sutton Cup                                         Graded handicap Pahiatua                                           Dylan Simpson

Cheltenham Cup Mens                                                                                                                 Carlos Lopez                                      

Cheltenham Cup Womens                                                                                                           Emily Shearman

Donaldson Cup                                 for fastest time chelty handicap                                                                Robert Stannard


This year the following members have all competed at international events and it is fitting that we acknowledge not only their selection to represent NZ at their age level but also their hard work that got them to where they are now. Jesse Sergent, of course continues with his racing team in Europe  and raced in the road race and time trial at the Commonwealth Games and recently got married. So congratulations to Amber and Jesse on that achievement also.

Simon van Velthooven, has done regular updates on the events that he has competed in including the NZ track team events and the Commonwealth Games. He is back in Cambridge and sends his apologies for not being able to attend tonight.

We have an exceptional group of young riders that are doing BM proud. Kate Stewart and Jordan Castle competed at  the Junior World track champs in Korea along with Luke Mudgeway ,    Campbell Stewart, Carne Groube and Michaela Drummond competed at the Oceania track champs in Adelaide Australia. Elizabeth  Stannard  competed at the Oceania Road champs where Elizabeth won the u19 Womens Road race. Robert  Stannard won the Canberra Tour for under 17 boys                 where he competed alongside other Bike Manawatu riders Campbell Stewart, Carne Groube and Chris Denholm.  Not to be left out are Nate Levin, George Roberts, Alex West  who have also competed in Australia in road events and Joel Yates who placed 2nd in the Australia Crit champs.   Congratulations to you all.


Croad challenge trophy                                (best U15 rider)                                            Dineth Rajapaske

Dineth has competed in this years club handicap series in B grade. He competed at the Manawatu School champs finishing in 3rd place in under 15 boys.  He always has a smile on his face and on provisional results finished 11th in under 15 boys in the recent Novice tour.

Baker Family Trophy                       (best U17 rider)                                               Robert Stannard/Campbell Stewart

Too hard to pick the best under 17 rider between these 2. There are too many outstanding  performances by both of them.  They have both presented themselves and represented this club at the top level both here in NZ competitions and overseas.


PNMCC trophy                                  (best U19 rider)                                                                Elizabeth Stannard

The highlight of the year for Lizzie must have been competing at the Oceania Road champs where she won the u19 Womens Road race. But she has also competed in triathlon at the Junior Olympics.  She has competed as part of a team in the North Island series as well as numerous junior events throughout the country.


Ooteman Cup                                    (most improved female rider over 23)    Gabrielle Bahler

Gabrielle has only recently started racing again and represented the club at the Club Nationals in her age group.


Bill Love Memorial trophy           (Most improved female cyclist u23)          Peita Ransom

Peita has shown dedication and determination at the start of the year  gaining  a place in the PNGHS TTT which was eagerly contested amongst the other students.  She has stuck to her guns competing at events including the TA tour to the Novice tour.


Theo de Cuff Memorial shield   (administrator of yr)                                       Mike Simpson

Mike has dedicated a lot of time to ensure that school cycling has run smoothly throughout the year. He has been able to put together a good calendar of events and coordinate officials and volunteers to ensure that the school cycling programme has continued to produce quality events throughout the year.


Fowler Cup                                         (most improved male rider u 23)               Mitchell Kinghorn

Mitchell Kinghorn is in his final year as an under 17 rider . This was a very hard decision to make, ther riders that have had an exceptional year showing improvement have been Joel Yates and Alex West.



Ooteman Cup                                    (most improved male  rider over 23)       Derek McNabb/ Wayne Fage

Derek and Wayne have both started racing at club events this year.  They are both in different age categories but have both ridden in C grade in the graded series.  This award is to encourage them  to continue racing and to see if their results next year reflect the results that they have been able to achieve this year and hopefully encourage other riders to come along to see if they can get their names on the most improved next year.


Best Enduro Rider                           Among club members we have a hard-core of mad-cap enduro cyclists which makes awarding the Enduro Trophy difficult each year.  During this year the usual Taupo Enduro events took place and 2 other standout events were completed in 2013  and it was these that caught the attention of the selection panel.


The first consideration was Colin (Wal) Anderson’s 65th birthday marathon, taking 3 months off work and challenging himself to 67 laps of Lake Taupo, an accumulated distance of over 10,500 kms, starting during Feb and finishing early April, some days completing 2 laps and others a single, sometimes unaccompanied and others with a cycling friend(s).  Colin also completed another 8 laps of Taupo in the annual November challenge just over 2 weeks ago, being 1 of the only 2 enduro cyclists who completed out of a much larger starting field.


The second event was Glenys Taylor’s personal challenge to solo cycle in Australia, from Perth to Adelaide, taking in the Nullabor Plains, a distance of 2460kms over 14 days during June.   This challenge was carried out unaccompanied on her bike but was supported by husband Murray driving a mobile home to provide meals and a bed each night.  Some days the cycling went into the evenings in total darkness as Murray had lost his way and took some time to relocate Glenys.


Both these events included novelty and personal challenges making choosing a winner for 2013 very difficult.  Both Glenys and Colin are asked to come forward:


The winner of the Enduro Award this year goes to Glenys plus we have a special presentation to make to Colin

In the end the selection panel choose Glenys to receive the trophy as it was her first enduro challenge, had a novelty aspect, was carried out solo and was in a totally new environment.


Murray  Jessen trophy                   Andrew McKenzie                                          Most improved Taupo rider       

It was originally donated to be awarded to club member who rode the  annual Lake Taupo Challenge nom. 160km, age was not a criteria nor whether you rode the Solo or Classic.

Andrew McKenzie is the winner of the Murray Jessen Trophy with the best percentage improvement, it was a close finish with Wayne Fage 2nd.  Other club members also did very well and made a close contest for the top five listed.


Steve concluded the evening by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.



have a look at what the NZ Cycle Festival Trust has decided to offer to cyclists in NZ.  

A quick synopsis: A weekend cycling festival encompassing all cycling codes. One in particular is a New Zealand first for this amount of prize money spread over all age groups

Road: 100K Flyer from New Plymouth to Hawera via Surf Highway 45

Prizes: Fastest time $1000, 2nd Fastest $500, 3rd Fastest $200 – All age groups both male & female

When: Taranaki Anniversary Weekend – Sat 7th March 2015

Please check out our website for more details.

Road Cycling NZ poster advertisment in Jan 2015 issue.


Roslyn School Project

Roslyn School Project

Starck-Carlene-Roslyn-School-bike-04Starck-Carlene-Roslyn-School-bike-01Photos thanks to David Wiltshire. The kid’s names are Danielle O’Hara (aged 8) and Jake Milford (aged 8).

An approach was made to Bike Manawatu at the beginning of 2014 to assist in a project at Roslyn School. The project was run by Massey University’s Dr Carlene  Starck and assisted by Sport Manawatu’s Phil Stevens where a group of 70 +children were tested and then each week over the following two terms given bike lessons , for some it was adding to their knowledge and bike skills but for 3 young students, they actually learnt how to ride a bike.

The study concluded with further tests to find out if riding a bike did actually improve fitness in this age group. And of course the answer was yes.

The bikes were supplied by Massey University and Bike Manawatu supplied the helmets. From Bike Manawatu’s perspective it was a great initiative to be able to support this project and get more kids actively involved in cycling. It is hoped that these kids will continue to bike as either a form of transport to and from school or perhaps later as a sport.

It is hoped that the programme will now be taken up and supported by other schools and supported by businesses and organisations throughout the community.

Time trial week 6 results

The rain kept people away today but as it has been shown in the past on a wet day when there is no wind you actually seem to hydrofoil across the water laying on the road. There is little resistance and so times seem to be faster.

So for all of those people that didn’t turn up they will just never know how good they could have been.

Over the period of 6 weeks there have been 76 people attend the time trials.  Of these riders 52 have been more than once.

There were only 6 people who turned up to week 6 so the points were awarded.

Click here to see the points table after week 6.

Final week next week with drinks and nibbles available while results are being calculated.

Prizemoney will be presented to financial members that are present. If you are not present your prizemoney will go back in to the pool for the next round which is due to start in January 2015.

Hill Climb Champs 2014

Not sure whether it was the daunting prospect of Ngahere Park or whether everyone is just too busy at this time of year or the other possibility is that everyone is saving themselves for other events or recovering from events from last week.

Whatever the case on near perfect conditions a tough handful of riders showed up at the end of Tiritea Rd for the start of the hill climb champs.

Thanks to John Arbuckle who went and set the end flag in position and to Graeme Ransom who held riders on the start line.

An interesting fact for you before the results are presented. We used this same course a couple of years ago when the gorge was closed, which left using the Saddle Road not an option. At this point in time  29 October 2011 Thomas Stannard completed the course in 20 mins 16 secs. And looking at the results from that day he was the only rider to return. A few years growth and he has managed to chop his time right back to 16 mins 37 secs. I wonder if in another 3 years will he be able to chop off the same amount of time.

Some very close times resulted for the top 4 riders and it was unfortunate to say the least that Nev Weir dropped his chain. Otherwise he would have had a scorcher of a time.

Madi Hartley-Brown was the first to appear at the finish line making it look as if there was no effort required at all. His time was 12 mins 21 secs. Dylan Simpson completed the hill climb in 12 mins 39 secs. Fergus Washington Smith was the next of the junior riders to finish in a time of 14 mins 30 secs. Max Taylor’s time was 14 mins 35 secs and 14 mins 53 secs for Ethan Craine.

Matt Watts was the first of the senior riders to arrive in a time of 12 mins 11 secs.  Gideon Burke had gone on a reconnaissance warm up ride and only just made it back to the start line seconds before his allocated start time. So with his Dad, all the way from the UK looking on, he produced a time of 12 mins 14 secs. And to show how close these men were Nevs time was 12 mins 15 secs.Barry Wilson completed the climb in 12 mins 47 secs and  Nigel Doyle completed the climb in 13mins 13 secs  Thirteen  is not an unlucky number for him.

Libby Arbuckle was the first of the women home and will take away the womens cup with a time of 14 mins 43 secs – a great result considering the amount of extra weight in the form of bandages that she had to carry up the hill. The only other women competitor this year was Peita Ransom who finished in a time of 17 mins 31 secs.