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Racing events on the BikeManawatu Calendar

Hi members,

We’re pleased to advise that our racing calendar kicks off again in June with a jam-packed calendar of events right through to Christmas.

First up was the WCNI TT champs on the 6th of June, followed closely by a 2up Time Trial which is our Bike Manawatu club race on the 13th of June.

A 2 Up Time Trial (2UpTT) is a TT completed by a pair of riders. So come with a friend, or find a partner on the day. Details can be found on the calendar. This race is to be managed by Chris Sanson.

For regular updates on Facebook, please like the Bike Manawatu Facebook page. I will keep this updated, and answer any questions as best I can

Annual General Meeting 2015

The Bike Manawatu AGM was held last Wednesday Night at the Marist Club rooms in conjunction with the Track and TT prize giving. A total of 79 people attended to make the evening a success. Congratulations to all those who received prizes, and much thanks to Ian Gray and Kate Stewart for organising the prizes.

Three new Board members were elected: Michael Groube, Austin Smith, and Chris Sanson. They join Steve Stannard, Kelly Johnson, Brendan Hapeta, and John van Lienen on the Board. Much thanks to retiring Board members Iona McCarthy, Marcel Hollenstein, and Mike Christie for the tireless work they put into the club.

We have also appointed a new Bike Manawatu Administrator through an advertised and contestable recruitment process. We are pleased to be able to welcome Christine Christie to this position. She will be working in the role on a part time basis.

For Steve Stannard’s Chairperson’s report which was presented at the AGM, please click here


According to the constitution the AGM needs to be advertised 7 days before hand but more importantly is the clause about remits and changes to constitution.

5.1. Notice of motion containing changes to this Constitution and all other remits must be received by the Board at least 35 days prior to the meeting.

The date for the AGM has been set for 25th March and therefore remits need to be sent to or posted to PO Box 797 Palmerston North by 18th February

Women’s only workshop

Leading up top the La Femme fun ride, “Sport Manawatu have a women’s only workshop to help you to the finish line for your first cycle event.

The workshop will be run over two consecutive Wednesday evenings.

We will cover bike and helmet safety, bike setup and maintenance, bike handling skills, using your gears, and bike etiquette.

Weekly sessions start Wednesday 11 February 2015 from 6pm to 8pm .

This is a free workshop for those who have pre registered for the  La Femme event.

Registrations for this workshop close on Monday 09 February 2015. To register email

the REV Cycle Race– Bike Manawatu team???

The REV Cycle Race is due to be held Saturday 28 February in Cambridge.

Clubs such as yours are incredibly important to the REV – having experienced cyclists on-course helps to improve the experience for everyone involved; from those familiar with bunch riding to those new on the scene. With this in mind, we’re making it our mission to get more New Zealand clubs involved in 2015.

We know some of your club members have experienced the fast and challenging terrain of the REV in the past, and to celebrate our milestone 10th edition in 2015 we want to encourage more of your club members to get involved.
If you have 10 or more club members who would be keen to take part in the event, we will discount their entry by 10%.
If this sounds like something that you and your club members are interested in, please reply to me directly and I will arrange a discount code for you to pass onto your members once you have established numbers. This offer is open until 31 January.
