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Board Profile–Marcel Hollenstein

Growing up in Switzerland gave me a solid base to be involved in a number of different sports –cycling was something I did for cross training purposes to balance my competitive running. Funny enough I never competed in a bike race in Switzerland – looking back now I wish I did of course!

It wasn’t for some decades and after I settled in NZ (and Palmerston North) that the cycling bug got hold of me. First I simply rode to stay fit, then I started to train “a bit” to keep up with the other Masters riders and in 2001 I did rather well in the Lake Taupo challenge with 4hr19min. After that I got hooked on road and track racing and trained a bit more! One of the highlights was the World Masters Games in Edmonton (Canada) where I sprinted to a Bronze medal in the road race. I also went to Manchester twice for the Masters Track World Championship – an amazing event and memories I will cherish.

In 2003, I completed a commisaires course as a way of supporting the club and cycling. Over the years I started to help other cyclists with some training advice and in 2012 I finished the coaching course offered by BikeNZ. Currently I assist a handful of junior riders with their training needs, something I thoroughly enjoy.

I work at the Fonterra Research Centre here in Palmerston North as the Maintenance and Development manager.

I hope I can pass some of my knowledge and passion on to many within the Club and the wider community in the Manawatu. It’s a fantastic sport – where you alone set the limits!
