Bike Manawatu Hill Climb Champs 2020-2021 – Forest Hill Road
The overarching policy is that all Government and MOH regulations apply. We are able to run this event on the basis that social distancing is achievable if the systems set out below are followed. If they are not, we will be forced to reconsider running future events. Everybody needs to take responsibility and consider their actions.
9am Start Time
All riders MUST Pre Register Here before 9am Saturday 17/10/2020 no late entries will be allowed.
We ask all volunteers & spectators to please fill in this form to allow for contact tracing plus this helps us with race day volunteers. – Click Here
When: Sunday 18th October 2020
Course: Forest Hill Road, Aokautere
Start & Meet – Bike Manawatu Timing Van –
The event starts just before the bridge and ends at the top of the hill. The riders will ride back at a safe speed in SINGLE file. (Near 12 Forest Hill Road)
All parking is to be well off the road – weather dependent parking may be available in a paddock at the bottom of the road (Owners known to race organisers)
Registration 8.15am at HQ – (Bike Manawatu Timing Van – Forest Hill Road)
Race briefing 8:45am – all riders must attend
First rider off at 9.00am
$5 members / $10 non-members – All Welcome, only Bike Manawatu members eligible for trophies
Due to Covid-19 please help us with contactless payment by making your payment online $5 members / $10 non-members – Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name (e.g.Hill Climb 18/10/20 as reference)
Bring your climbing legs and we’ll see you out there
Please do not attend our event if you are unwell
- Registration will be just before the start line / Bike Manawatu Timing Van
- Please use the hand sanitiser provided before registering
- Please remember to continue to practise social distancing.
- All parking is to be well off the road – weather dependent parking may be available in a paddock at the bottom of the road (Owners known to race organisers)
- please respect the Forest Hill Road residence and their nature strips I.e please don’t park on the soggy verge
- Please proceed to registration
- As we have been trailing for some time the number allocated for this event will be your permanent number for all future BM events. We are redistributing new fabric numbers to all members.
- Non members will be given a number however if you are not planning to continue to attend Bike Manawatu club events please return your bib number at the completion of the race or you may be invoiced for a replacement.
- Please look after your race numbers and bring it to ALL club events, we do not have spares for you if you forget it on the day.
- If you have not received your number yet we will have it ready for you at registration.
- Race Numbers are to be placed on the left hand side, rear quarter of your race top, readable in the prone riding position.
- Registration will be at near the beginning of Forest Hill at our Timing Van. There will be a volunteer helping
- We will have hand sanitiser available at registration
- $5 members / $10 non-members – We encourage you to pay online Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name as reference
- Ensure you give yourself plenty of time to register, pin your number, grab your transponder and go to the start area awaiting the race managers briefing.
- Numbers are to be placed on the left hand side, rear quarter of your race top.
- Please read all notices at the registration desk, a repeat of the rider briefing and safety notes set out below
- It is your responsibility to ensure your transponder is on correctly if it is not it may not read on our system, therefore you may not receive a finish time.
- Each rider will be issued with a Transponder:
- Your transponder holder should be 4 fingers under the rim (remember to take the sticky tape off the holder and don’t put the cable ties through the spokes)
- Left hand side of the fork – shiny side facing out
- Once your finished use some snips and take the length off the cable ties – we will have some at the start line for you.
- Step 1 – Remove the Backing Tape on the black holder.
Position black holder on Front LEFT fork, 4 fingers below the top of spokes
Pull cable ties TIGHT. Ensure Holder remains flush to fork - Step 2 – Trim the cable ties with some snips
- Step 3 – Slide Transponder into holder until it clicks
Give transponder a gentle tug to ensure it is secure
To remove transponder press release button and slide it out - Checklist
Black Holder secure
Transponder secure
On front left fork - 4 fingers below top of spokes
- Please make sure your transponder is handed back at the completion of your ride.
- We ask spectators/supporters to complete a voluntary contract tracing form to help with tracing during Level 1. If you have not completed this online, please complete the paper copy at registration. This form also helps our race organisers with volunteers etc It can be completed on line here
- Start & Meet outside at our Bike Manawatu Timing van – Forest Hill Road
- The event starts just before the bridge and ends at the top of the hill. (Near 12 Forest Hill Road)
- Sign on 8.10am at HQ – (Bike Manawatu Timing Van outside Colyton School carpark)
- Race briefing 8:45am – all riders must attend
- First grade start 9.00am
- Please remember to respect the locals living these roads.
- Please be considerate. No spitting or “snot rockets” in the bunch please
- Please do not attend our event if you are unwell
- This is a narrow road, please be aware of motorists at all times
- The riders will ride back at a SAFE speed in SINGLE file.
- Traffic management will be in place, but this is to warn other road uses that we are there.
- Roads are open and all normal road rules apply (riders must obey NZ road rules at ALL times)
- Marshals are provided for direction and in some places to stop cyclists due to traffic
- Riders must give way at all junctions as required.
- Please be courteous to other road users
Course Specific Notes
- Do not cross the center line unless safe to do so.
- We are on narrow quite roads when often there is no white line. Stay left
- Riders should not exceed 2 abreast
- Beware of cars / local public / residents sharing the road
- Be courteous to other road users
- The always RECOMMEND the use of a rear light.
Additional Notes
- Bathrooms are not available on this course – please be respectful of the locals
- Visiting riders please return your bib number at the completion of the race or you may be invoiced for a replacement.
- Thank you to everyone who entered and registered the contact tracing form for marshals and spectators.
- Please be courteous to all officials. It’s going to be busy. If someone asks you to move off the road, please do so.
- If you or one of your supporters are available to volunteer please let us know – We are always thankful to all of our volunteers who enable us to run these events
Registrations / Timing / Marshals / STMS / First Aid / Lead & SAG Drivers You can help us out by identifying any volunteer roles on this form
Thank You
Course Notes
This is approx 3.3km Hill Climb along Forest Hill Road.
The event starts just before the bridge and ends at the top of the hill. (Near 12 Forest Hill Road)
Traffic management will be in place, but this is to warn other road uses that we are there, the roads are open and riders must obey NZ road rules at ALL times.
Please be courteous to other road users
Volunteers Required:
Race Manager:
Assistance Race Manager / Registration:
Traffic Set Up
Marshal –
Marshal –
Marshal –
Lead Car
Service / Sag Vehicle
First Aid
Please head on over to the Volunteers Document to learn more about these positions.
If you find yourself in a position to help out please email
Every effort is very much appreciated.
*All trophies to be handed out at end of year club prize giving
U15 Boy Winner Winner at Club Hill Climb Champs –
U15 Girl Winner Winner at Club Hill Climb Champs –
U17 Boy Winner – Winner at Club Hill Climb Champs Bill & Marlene Imrie Trophy –
U17 Girl Winner – Winner at Club Hill Climb Champs – M.C.C.C Triers Cup –
U19 Male Winner – Winner at Club Hill Climb Champs –
U19 Female Winner – Winner at Club Hill Climb Champs –
Womens Winner – Winner at Club Hill Climb Champs – Trophy Specialists & Engravers Trophy –
Mens Winner – Winner at Club Hill Climb Champs – Palmerston North Cup –
Overall Hill Climb Champion – Awarded to the overall champion Male or Female – Mobberley Cup –