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Colyton / Hiwinui Road Race – Sunday 27th June 2021

Colyton / Hiwinui Road Race – Sunday 27th June 2021

This event is combined with Manawatu School Cycling (MSC) and Bike Manawatu (BM). MSC will kindly host our BM riders as part of their event
Bike Manawatu sincerely thanks MSC (PNBHS) for hosting our riders

Registration 8:30am – Riders will assemble outside Colyton School – 421 Colyton Road
Race briefing 8.45am – 

  • Race briefing for Junior A/B 8:45AM
  • Race Briefing for Seniors 9:10AM

Start Time / First Grade off at 9:00am

***Strictly NO Late Registrations on the day****
Entry Fee:
$5 for members, $10 non members
All payments must be made online, please no payments on the day, we don’t want to add any undue stress to the schools team on a Sunday morning
Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name &race number & race name as reference e.g. JBloggs #678 Colyton

Click here to register


The Colyton / Hiwinui circuit (anti-clockwise) is a 18.37 km loop.

An excellent event for all ages and stages.
Come out and test yourself  – We would love to see you

MSC Teams please enter via your schools as per normal, this link should only be used for our Bike Manawatu individuals wishing to join in. Thank you 

DRAFT START LIST *Please note this may be altered slightly, we will do our best to update this as information as required*

  • Race briefing for Junior A/B 8:45AM
  • Race Briefing for Seniors 9:10AM
  • Start Time and Distances:
  • Junior A – 9:00AM – 18.6km
  • Junior B – 9:02AM – 18.6km
  • A Grade – 9:20AM – 55.1km
  • B Grade – MSC – 9:22AM – 36.8km
  • B Grade – BM – 9:24AM – 36.8km
  • C Grade – MSC – 9:26AM – 36.8km
  • C Grade – BM – 9:28AM – 36.8km
  • B Grade distances and combining of groups may be modified subject to entry numbers.

A Grade – 3 Laps – 55.10 km
B Grade – 3 Laps – 55.10 km
C Grade – 2 Laps 36.8 km
D Grade – 2 Laps 36.8 km – D Grade will be combined with C 
(All Course notes are below) –
*Distances are subject to be changed at the race directors discretion


  • Please be aware Manawatu Schools Cycling are running this event therefore there will be more riders than normal so parking may be quite sparse
  • All parking is to be well off the road – please respect the Colyton residence and their nature strips I.e please don’t park on the soggy verge
  • Please proceed to registration


  • Registration will be at Colyton School – A volunteer from MSC will be there to help you
  • Hand Sanitiser will be available in the timing van
  • Payment should be made online prior to the event $5 members, $10 non members. please no late registrations or payments on the day, we don’t want to add any undue stress to the schools team on a Sunday morning
  • Please remember to continue to practise social distancing if covid levels require us to do so
  • Ensure you give yourself plenty of time to register, pin your number, grab your transponder* and go to the start area awaiting the race managers briefing.
    (Please note Time Trials will more than likely be manual timed, therefore transponders will not be required. MSC may decide to manual time road races also therefore transponders may not be required)
  • Numbers are to be placed on the left hand side, rear quarter of your race top.
  • *It is your responsibility to ensure your transponder is on correctly if it is not it may not read on our system, therefore you may not receive a finish time.
  • If you have been issued a Bike Manawatu race number please remember to bring this to all events.


  • Start & Meet outside Colyton School  on 421 Colyton Road, Colyton
  • Sign on 8:15am at HQ – (Colyton School carpark)
  • Race briefing 8.45am – all riders must attend
  • First grade start 9.00am
  • Please remember to respect the locals living these roads.
  • Please be considerate.  No spitting or “snot rockets” in the bunch please
  • Please do not attend our event if you are unwell
  • One way bridge on Reids Line East at 4.45km
  • One way bridge on Colyton Road 16.83km
  • Traffic management will be in place, but this is to warn other road uses that we are there.
  • Roads are open and all normal road rules apply (riders must obey NZ road rules at ALL times)
  • Marshals are provided for direction and in some places to stop cyclists due to traffic
  • Riders must give way at all junctions as required.
  • Please be courteous to other road users
  • Do not cross the center line unless safe to do so.
  • We are on narrow quite roads when often there is no white line. Stay left
  • Riders should not exceed 2 abreast
  • Beware of trucks, tankers and agricultural machinery
  • Be courteous to other road users
  • We RECOMMEND the use of a rear light.

Course Notes

Colyton School

Click here to view online

Starting and Finishing outside Colyton School – 421 Colyton Road
0.13 km Turn Left onto Taonui Road
Start Zone is on the gravel behind kurb on Taonui Road / Colyton Road Intersection
1.89km Turn Left onto Reids Line East
4.45km on Reids Line East – Beware of 1 way Bridge
9.54km Turn Left onto Watershed Road (Hiwinui School)
11.36km Turn Left onto Colyton Road
16.83km  On Colyton Road – Beware of 1 Way Bridge
18.37km Finish – For Laps Continue on


18.46km Turn Left onto Taonui Road
20.27km Turn Left onto Reids Line East
22.83km on Reids Line East – Beware of 1 way Bridge
27.9 km Turn Left onto Watershed Road (Hiwinui School)
29.8km  Turn Left onto Colyton Road
35.2km  On Colyton Road – Beware of 1 Way Bridge
36.8 km Finish

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Thank you to all of our Bike Manawatu Sponsors, Grant Funders and Volunteers – We appreciate you all
Together Everyone Achieves More