It was again another windy night at Kairanga but with keen eager riders arriving at 5.30 and the prospect of no better conditions over the coming weeks it was decided to go ahead with this weeks competition.
Some hardy characters that had dared the blustery conditions from the previous week were granted a point for week 1 although no times were taken so everyone was able to post their first time tonight.
There will be keen interest at the top of the table as people jostle for fastest course times. A split second is all it takes.
Numbers have been given to riders for the season to be used at road races, track and time trials. It makes it a lot easier if these numbers are correctly pinned to shirts – that way the number is easily read as you cross the finish line and recorded. A check on positioning of numbers will be made next week at the start line. Numbers need to be on the left hand side lower back preferably on the angle so that when you are in your riding position that the number appears level.
Click here for full results for Wednesday night time trials