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Road Bikes 7th March 2011


clip_image002Tonight was the second event for the club champs, the 1 Lap (400m) Scratch Race. Remember you need to have joined and paid your membership with Bike Manawatu to be eligible for points towards the club champs. There are 3 events remaining for A and B grade riders held over the next 2 weeks:

200m Scratch Race

2 Lap (800m) Scratch Race

2000m Scratch Race

There are 2 events for the C grade:

200m Scratch Race

2 Lap (800m) Scratch Race

Final night the season is 28th March so there are 3 nights of racing remaining. Prize giving is planned for 12th April (to be confirmed).

We had chilly weather with a brisk westerly breeze which reminded us that autumn is approaching. We also welcomed two new riders, Kate Arbuckle and Katie Osbourn. Some of the racing, especially the Club Champs 1 Lap Scratch Race was fast and furious with very tight finishes.

The rider of the night was Liam Ryan who was bounced between B and C grade and was very competitive on his mountain bike.


Club Champs Event 2: 1 Lap Scratch Race

A Grade

1. Bryce Hirschberg

2. James Denholm

3. Chris Denholm

4. Tegen Roffe

B1 Grade

1. James Cuff

2. Cameron Worboys

3. Kate Arbuckle

B2 Grade

1. Fergus Bryan

2. Jayden bond

3. Libby Arbuckle

4. Anna Stewart

5. Liam Ryan

C Grade

1. Levi Bryan

2. Jeorgie Cox

Other Racing

3 Lap race with 800m sprint finish

A Grade

1. Chris Denholm

2. Bryce Hirschberg

3. James Denholm

4. Tegan Roffe

5. Cameron Worboys

6. Kate Arbuckle

7. Kate Osbourn

B Grade

1. Katie Osbourn

2. Kate Arbuckle

3. James Cuff

4. Jayden Bond

5. Fergus Bryan

6. Libby Arbuckle

7. Anna Stewart

C Grade (1200m with 600m sprint)

1. Liam Ryan

2. Levi Bryan

3. Jeorgie Cox

1 Lap Handicap

A Grade

1. Chris Denholm

2. Tegan Roffe

3. Bryce Hirschberg

4. James Denholm

B1 Grade

1. James Cuff

2. Cameron Worboys

3. Kate Arbuckle

4. Katie Osbourn

5. Jayden Bond

B2 Grade

1. Anna Stewart

2. Fergus Bryan

3. Libby Arbuckle

4. Liam Ryan

C Grade

1. Jeorgie Cox

2. Levi Bryan

5 Lap Teams Pursuit

A Grade

Team 1 (Bryce Hirschberg and James Denholm)


Team 2 (Tegan Roffe and Chris Denholm)

B Grade

Team 1 (Katie Osbourn, Kate Arbuckle, Cameron Worboys, James Cuff)


Team 2 (Libby Arbuckle, Fergus Bryan, Jayden Bond, Anna Stewart)

C Grade (3 laps vs 2 laps)

Team 1 (Jeorgie Cox, and Levi Bryan)


Team 2 (Liam Ryan)

Season Points as of 7th March 2011

(note: Club Champs are a separate competition and not included in the season points tally)

Fergus Bryan 164

Bryce Hirschberg 141

Jayden Bond 139

Liam Ryan 111

Levi Bryan 109

Cameron Worboys 107

Jeorgie Cox 100

Sarah Humphrey 81

Luke Challies 75

Thomas Ingram 62

James Denholm 59

Chris Denholm 52

Gemma Humphrey 46

James Cuff 44

Daniel Cox 41

Anna Stewart 27

Brittany Ingram 24

Tegan Roffe 20

Emily Shearman 13

Libby Arbuckle 13

Katie Osbourn 10

Kate Arbuckle 9