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Membership Cards


All members who renewed or purchased memberships from the period November 2012 – January 2013, should now have their membership cards.  We are aware of some cases where cards have been unable to be delivered due to incorrect or incomplete postal addresses. We have contacted these members directly to update their details.  If you have not received a card, please log into your portal and check that your correspondence address is correct, and that your personal details are up to date.

Members who have renewed or purchased membership from February onwards will not have received cards yet. We will secure a new card provider next week, and expect production of cards to begin again within days of the agreement being finalised.

Members can rest assured that their memberships are active and current. Please remind your club members that they check the status of their membership online by logging in to Membership number, and a receipt or screen shot can continue to be used as proof of membership in lieu of cards.