A good sized crowd turned up to hear Associate Professor and Bike Manawatu board member Steve Stannard address on nutrition for cycling.
Steve, who works at Massey University, pitched what can be a very complex subject in very simple terms for all ages to understand. In doing so he dispelled a number of myths regarding cycling nutrition that was very useful.
A couple of takeaways for me personally was if I eat a healthy and balanced diet, I should be OK and not require additional supplements. Secondly, the importance of regular hydration during a race or ride will help maintain performance. Lastly, copious quantities of alcoholic beverages, sausage rolls and cheese as a nutritional strategy the night before a race is probably a poor choice. It’s no wonder then that I only lasted 2km before popping off the bunch and was then required to ride the remaining distance on my own in the club champs last Saturday. I suspect my nutritional preparation played a large part in my performance and I only wish Steve’s presentation had come a lot sooner.
For those that didn’t or couldn’t make it, you missed a quality presentation from a competent and highly qualified subject matter expert.
Bike Manawatu has other developmental presentations coming up for members, so watch this space for advertisements. In the New Year, Kim Findlay, who is a physiotherapists, has kindly offered her expertise to run two sessions on core strength and stretching. We’ll confirm when these will occur.