If you were to undertake a SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis of Bike Manawatu, surely passion and a willingness to get involved would definitely be classified as strengths after 15 people turned up to the inaugural Coaching Working Group meeting held on 8 Aug.
Coordinated by Steve Stannard and Mike McRedmond, the attendees shared their aspirations and ideas regarding coaching within Bike Manawatu. “I’m heartened by what I heard this evening and in my assessment we have lots of enthusiastic people wanting to make a difference”, said Bike Manawatu Chairperson Paul van Velthooven.
The meeting identified some core coaching challenges now facing Bike Manawatu, particularly given the rapid rise in club members and the desire by so many in the club to want to achieve both their own and their team goals. A coaching group structure and sustainable leadership model is being formulated by the group. More importantly, based upon the discussion and feedback it also identified a range of potential quick win initiatives that could be implemented with little effort. “It was unrealistic to think we were ever going to solve all our problems in one two hour meeting but I do think it identified a realistic pathway to developing our capacity over time to deliver a range of coaching advice to the membership” suggested Mike McRedmond. Some of the pragmatic suggestions from attendees included hosting another open coaching clinic while also providing a forum for the membership to ask questions about training. Based on the enthusiasm and ideas that were expressed in the meeting, Bike Manawatu’s coaching development, while in its infancy at present, looks promising. The Working Group plans to identify more coaches in due course once it can be determined how Bike Manawatu can deliver the technical training required as quickly as possible.