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11 Days and 13 laps of Taupo

Despite the current ‘cost of living challenges’ facing all community events, Bike Manawatu is 100% committed to ensuring the 51st year of the Novice Tour – once again provides a safe, fun, competitive cycle racing event.

We will adopt a high-quality assured approach in implementing the Local Roading Authority’s/Cycling New Zealand’s ‘Safe Traffic Management System’ (STMS) standards which ensure best practices and rider and spectator safety.


If the level of community funding secured is not sufficient to contract in external road management service providers with the ability to stop/go traffic, the Novice Tour will proceed on a ‘local club racing’ model, whereby our team of trained/experienced road marshals will, where necessary, pause racing in order to give way to traffic and ensure rider safety. 


Although funding  external road management services with the ability to stop/go traffic is ideal, if this is not feasible – we are confident that the event’s ‘Safe Traffic Management System’ (STMS) will provide a competitive, fair, enjoyable and importantly safe racing environment.  


Irrespective of which model of traffic management/racing is finalised, as with all CNZ/Bike Manawatu events, normal road rules will apply and a full rider briefing confirming the event rules will be provided to all riders prior to the start of each race. 

DSCN0494Be great IF lots of the Worlds ELITE Athletes from many sporting codes read & Followed my car rego advice !!

Hardly enough room for the driver let alone all my gear for this 10400km *challenge*





And feel free to forward to your contact list. 10,000+km Around Lake Taupo = 65 times, that is my final *challenge* for my 65th year- well of course there is the Official Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge also on the Last Saturday of November– train-train–enjoy

IF you wish to follow or join my ride txt 02102206227

Colin-Wal- Anderson



Eleven days into this epic ride with 13 laps completed in some very hot weather, 2000+ km done, a *mere* 8000 + km to go!

Certainly my daily organisation has to improve, with 3 bikes all ready to ride as required, heading down Waihi hill on lap 1 my last remaining Camelbak podium Big Chill bottle complete with my hammer Heed supply bounced out, meaning I had to stop @  Z service Stn Turangi – oops only to find my cash was on another bike still @ Taupo.  No worries, a wee plea to Flo at the front counter & out popped 20 bucks, I borrowed 10, No security just plain trust, Purchased a bottle of water & out of there, only having to stop again @ waiatahuna dairy & spend the last $4.50 on a bottle of powerade. 

A frantic email to Extreme Gear (camelbak) had replacement Big chill bottles on my doorstep the next morning- Thanks Jack Tapp, this hot weather really proves the worth of the *chilly* bottles.

Tuesday & Sunday I managed to crawl out of the cot a bit early & rode 2 laps back to back.After spending the last 6 months training on the flat velodrome @ feilding my *climbing legs* weren’t  exactly enjoying this extra activity!   Anyone who’s riden or driven that western bays route  will realise its a long way from a flat circuit.

On Monday 18th the temperatures had really soared & with the Tihoi Trading post NOT open, my Hydration woes of a few years ago @ Taupo where I spent 6 hours or so at the hospital recovering from dehydration were scaring the patience out of me, fortunately a farm House on another hill TOP that appeared to have someone home, I managed to cycle the steep driveway only to be greeted by a yappy & NOT happy wee dog- fortunately a woman came around & called the wee beast off- BUT she was from Brazil & spoke NO english- we played a game of charades for some time & eventually I was treated to enough water & ice to get me on my way. I do wonder what this woman may do if she’s at an All black game- probably rush out to the paddock during the Haka & offer her water bottle!

The Trading Post @ Tihoi is a great stop off point, but is closed Mondays & opens after 10am, meaning a late start in the heat.  Yesterday I was early trying to beat the heat & the 2 children were outside, the older lad Jake waiting for the school bus & his younger Ginga brother dressed as a Pirate (sword & all ) were full of chatter. Our talk spread to me asking if the dead cat yesterday on the roadside was one of theirs– An awesome response- “Oh yes but he died very happy doing what he enjoyed – he had a dead mouse in his mouth” said Jake ! – Just had to chuckle to myself.

Yesterday as I was on my 12th lap I was for the first time *caught* by a Taupo cyclist out for a spin- just as well as we rode  together for about 2 hours till Turangi- having his company certainly made that circuit appear faster & the time went quicker, Turned out he (Craig) operated the Avanti Cycle shop in Taupo so we had plenty to chatter about in between moving over for trucks etc.

Vehicles- So far I,d like to thank the 98% who share with care, the other 2% well enuff said- Certainly the Turangi to Taupo section is a *challenge* that requires plenty of concentration, my stops each lap for a coffee & snack rest @ Turangi are an important factor in my safety plan.

The weather forecast was for more of the high temps so I commenced lap 13 at around 6am, this lap was dedicated to our  Masters mate Murray Jessen, he was very much in my thoughts as I tangled again with Waihaha hill – made me wonder where are those old MMC, special trophies ??- like Murrays, Anne Maries etc- this is an area of true loss from the amalgamation which does need addressing.

The Merida di2 905 Scultura is going a cracker , special thanks to the two Garrys @ Pedal Pushers for the change-over of brakes & exact fitting set-up (always a worry with a ride of this length , the Michelin Pro-Race 4 Endurance tyres have suffered NO cuts or punctures, all bodes well for a long day in the saddle 2moro as I try & get laps 14/15 out of the way.

Oh well off to bed & up & away again to-morrow.